"One cannot go on creating massive disturbances in childbirth and breastfeeding without altering the sexual life and the capacity to love of society as a whole". Michel Odent

October 25, 2011

It' so exciting! It seems like we are setting up an ever growing community of passionate mothers who feel the need to advocate in favor of natural birth, breastfeeding and attachment parenting. Check out this beautiful blog by Sofia who says about herself: 

"... Birthing and mothering have completely altered my mindset and made me re-evaluate my values. Ever since I became a mother I made a promise to myself, to help as many other women like myself find this great path in life by supporting them through rocky times during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and breastfeeding. And toddlerhood from then on… Supporting natural birth became a “raison d’être” for me. My two babies are free-spirited, independent, communicative, and very tender and I’m pretty certain it’s all because of my persistence and determination to enjoy my pregnancy, enjoy my birth to the fullest and enjoy attachment parenting from there on.... I consider myself an activist where it comes to mothering rights. I’m trying to spread the message and free women, like me, from the state of fear society has imposed on us be it hospital protocols to birth or well meaning relatives who patronize us with tons of “advice” when we first have a baby. I’d also love to discuss how motherhood has brought us up to higher spiritual levels, rendered us so much more empowered and dynamic and made us see the world around us differently."

Check out especially two of her most recent amazing posts:


1 comment:

  1. *blush* *blush* *blush*
    Always glad to see you around my dear! Thanks for having a look :)
